Mila Kunis having fun in New York hotel room with several Frenchmen. She comes down for lunch with a smile on face perhaps because said Frenchmen were laden with dresses Dior accessories campaign shoot.It literally just happened Mila says new fashion gig. I trying on these dresses, and I was like, She plops down in the hotel restaurant, wearing black skinny jeans, biker boots, and a silky cream shirt covered tiny black guns.I thought they were doves. She chuckles. And then I realized.
To make a corny analogy, Mila and her shirt have something in common Each is a pistol in the package of a beautiful bird. Mila 28 acting since age nine at 14, she began an eight year stint on That 70s Show. But the past two years that she has hit the major leagues, thanks to Darren Aronofsky's critical and commercial hit, Black Swan. Mila, the rival and obsession of Natalie Portman paranoid dancer,saw life change as quickly she could take off pointe shoes.She see Black Swan as a career maker at first. I honestly thought, This is going to be a Darren Aronofsky movie. Maybe people will see it, I am making a movie about ballerinas. People are gonna run to see this. Before Black Swan,I had anonymity, she says. Right now not nearly as much.
Oh the curse of popularity. And Mila is really, really popular. Girls want to hang with her, and boys want to hang with although their definition of hanging is likely rather different. There is an ease about Mila that is all the more surprising when you remember that she arrived in Los Angeles from Ukraine at seven, speaking not a word of English. We came with nothing, and my parents had to work for everything, she recalls. "The easygoing aspect of me comes from the fact that when you have nothing, you have nothing to lose.
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